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What is a charter school?

A charter school is a public school that operates according to the terms of a charter, or contract, that has been approved by the local board of education and the State Board of Education.

What is the difference between a charter school and a traditional public school?

A traditional public school is organized according to federal laws, State Board of Education rules, and local board of education policies. A charter school is organized according to federal laws and the terms of the charter contract.

How are charter schools funded?

Charter schools are public schools. By law, a charter school is included in the allotment of funds to the local school system in which the charter school is located. The charter school is to be treated no less favorably than any other public schools in the district with respect to funding for instructional and administrative programs.

Who can attend a charter school?

Charter schools are public schools of choice. Any student who lives in the charter school's school band, and district and who submits a timely application may attend a charter school. If the number of applications exceeds the school's capacity, applicants will be selected through a lottery process. A charter school may not have admission criteria.

Are you going to provide any extracurricular activities?

Yes. Learning should always be accompanied with exploration. Therefore, BMSS will strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for the students to gain extra experiences. Field trips, sports activities, after-school clubs are a few of the many possibilities BMSS will provide.


  • The mission of the Broward Math and Science Schools is to offer elementary, middle and high school students in Broward County a high quality education, aligned with the Florida Standards, in an intellectually nurturing learning environment. Its purpose is to enable students to reach their maximum potential in all subject areas with special emphasis on mathematics, science, and reading utilizing state-of-the-art curriculum.


Broward Math and Science Schools